Discovering Barletta!

005The city of Barletta, Puglia Region in 2005 recognized as a city of art for its architectural heritage, is waiting to be discovered. Coastal town on the Adriatic Sea, located in the plains and ancient origins, with an economy based on agriculture, industrial and commercial, has about 95 thousand inhabitants.

Characteristic is its old town with its churches and palaces of great historical and cultural importance. Among the major monuments is certainly the imposing castle built from 1532, with its beautiful gardens and the nearby Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore (XII - XIV sec.), The main focus of religious life Barlettana.
Do not miss the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre (XII century.) In front of which stands the giant Heraclius, a bronze statue taller than 5 feet, right on Corso Vittorio Emanuele, the most central of the city at the end of which is the splendid theater Curci.
Another point of artistic interest is the Palazzo della Marra one of the finest examples of Renaissance architecture in Apulia. It is currently housed on the second floor, in a permanent manner, the Pinacoteca De Nittis while on the first floor, temporary exhibitions.

Barletta is famous among other things for the "Challenge", a duel took place on 13 February 1503 between thirteen Italian knights (under the Spanish) and many French knights, the confrontation ended with the victory of the Italians and remember there is a epitaph. To celebrate this anniversary is celebrated every year pageants very significant.

You should also visit the archaeological site of the Battle of Cannae, who in 216 BC was the site of a bloody battle between the Romans and Carthaginians that killed about 80,000 soldiers, nearly all Romans.

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